Thursday, January 1, 2009

I don't really like Vegas, but. . .

we had a ton of fun while there! Here we are at the Hoover Dam-I am so scared I am crouched down and bracing myself with my legs and feet. Watch out below!!!!If you ever get a chance to see the Blue Man Group, go. It was the most random show I've seen, but we laughed and you never knew what to expect.

Of all the buildings in Vegas the most beautiful and peaceful was the temple. It was a nice break from the confusion of the world that you sense and feel in Vegas.


Dawn W said...

Hey - that just reminded me that I still didn't get that spy stuff for eavesdropping for Christmas this year. Guess I'd better put it on my list next year. I think you should too - what great fun!

jana said...

Ha, Ha, Ha, nice visual. It looks like you had fun this holiday. I can't wait to see ya when I get back.
Hummm... people watching is that the new olypic rage?