Monday, September 15, 2008


I found out that the noise that made me not be able to sleep on Thursday night was actually. . .RATS!! Yuck. I couldn't sleep Thurs. (actually slept fine Friday) and didn't realize what it was until Saturday night when I had to use ear plugs to finally get a little bit of rest. These rats are under my house crawling on my metal furnace venting and making so much noise-I am not sure what they are dropping and dragging and I'm not sure I want to know. Truthfully I never knew a rat could make that much noise! Mom asked me last night if I thought they were going to come out of the vent holes in my room I hadn't even thought of that-so thanks to that thought I couldn't sleep again last night. I was just wondering if any of you would like to come over to Aunt Charity's house for a sleepover tonight??? :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

"Teacher, is this right?"

Once a week I go from being the teacher to being the student. That was last night for me, and let me tell you as crazy and as hard as being the teacher sometimes is I still perfer it to the stress I felt as a student. I am taking an oil painting class every Monday from 7-10 (which by-the-way is way too late on a school night :)). This was my 3rd class and our 2nd class on our actual painting. It seems like I did everything wrong yesterday-first I put on too much paint the teacher told me it would be okay but I don't her to just call it okay I want it to be called amazing, so I tried to wipe it off and then it looked "okay" to me. Then we started making a bush which I thought looked okay, but when she said it would be okay she came over, asked if she could show me something and then completely took off my whole bush-I had to start over! (I am needing a defination on the word okay-her idea and my idea of it are completely different.) At the end of the night I left feeling quite proud of myself though-I put my picture up (it still has another week to go, but I still have to showcase it every week) and I think it looks okay! (Well if you take into account that I am not artistic by nature and it is my first attempt-I actually think it looks pretty AMAZING!)