Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Should've been a trucker

Do you remember in High School when you took those career tests that matched up all your personality traits, interests, and social quirks and then told you a few things that you would be good at. Well I think one of mine was a truck driver, which at the time I was deeply insulted at even the suggestion, but now I think I might have been really good at it and let me tell you why (I feel like I'm applying for a job-let me know if I get it :)) For some reason I absolutely love driving with my lights on bright. It feels like I own the road. The other day I set a new record for longest distance traveled with brights on-meaning safely doing so with no other cars on the road. I was able to travel 6.3 miles beating my old record of 5.1. If you don't keep track of how far you can go with your brights on you may think this is not a big feat, but trust me it has taken me a good six months to set that record! The other day, I'm actually not sure I should confess this-but here it goes, I actually did a double take as a semi passed by me and found myself saying out loud, "wow, that is one good looking semi". Please tell me you've done that too, because it sounds outrageous-I knew I should have kept it to myself. Well, I'm off to drive somewhere-I'm in the mood to listen to talk radio (which is another reason I think I should be a trucker-I love talk radio. Sometimes I have to wait in my car for a few minutes listening to the end of come commentary :)). I didn't have anywhere to go last weekend and went stir crazy so today I'm driving somewhere, anywhere and in the rain-that is also one of my favorite times to travel.


Dawn W said...

Ummm, I don't really know what to comment, except to say that this blog is getting rather personal. On a side note, we weren't much help on your poll, as the combination of all of us led to no name being left out (similar to 'no child left behind'?) Good Luck!

L: How about Cocoa for a name?

Heather said...

i remember taking one of those tests and it told me i should be shoe repairman! too funny.

i'm going with lucy as a name. i like it!

so glad to see you have a picture with a frog now. very cute!

Julie Boling said...

I cant say that Ive ever kept track of how long I've drive with my brights on, but I do check out semi truck. Dustin drove a truck for year so I'm fascinated by that life style. Have you noticed that the FedEx trucks are always a lot nicer than the rest?
I love that you have a blog by the way.

Crystal said...

Well now that you mention it I will probably have to pay attention to it more! :) Just like how I pointed out that there was a smiley face on your last car steering wheel... and we HAVE been paying more attention to trucks, Cailyn wants to know what each truck carries... do you know how hard it is to find an Ice Cream truck and a bread truck??! Anyways... have fun being a truck driver.

keller said...

Okay so the games on I guess I need to keep track of how far I can travel with my bright on. As for a name Braden not deturred by the short little legs thinks he should be named lightning.

BriAnne said...

First of all, can I just say that you're my hero.....seriously. And while normally, a comment about good looking semi trucks would deter me from idol worship, with you, I just find it charming.:) P.S., I think you should be grateful for the truck driver conclusion. Apparently, I would've made a good attorney.....RIGHT! Anyway, love your guts. If you decide to join the ranks of the long haulers, make sure you run your CB radio name by me first.

Susi Daw said...

So Funny! It reminds me of the time you, Marci and I went shopping in Yakima for shirts. Remember? Marci couldn't get the truck started, so we pushed. I really don't remember how we actually got it to run, but it did, because when we were coming home, we were telling stories of a semi flashing his lights at a driver, because there was someone in her backseat. You know one of those urban legends. Anyhow, just as we ended the story, a semi flashed his lights at us. I will never forget the screaming all of us did. So Funny!!!

jana said...

Ha, ha, ha, You crack me up. I am so glad you left a comment now I can check out your blog. Hilarious! I love reading your thoughts and just wanted to let you know it totally made my day today finding your blog and reading your great insite. Ahhh, now I have something to think about all day. Thanks

marcalicious said...

i love that story susi told about our drive to yakima. For some reason that was so much fun. :) And I love your randomness.

Brooke said...

Charity, your blog is so entertaininig! I have missed seeing you every other week. By the way one of your favorite things is also one of mine, waking up without an alarm. That is luxury.