Thursday, October 9, 2008


Since this is a public blog I will be careful so I don't get fired, but lets just say that this morning it was already light when I got out of bed. I faintly remember my alarm clock doing something this morning and I could almost testify in court that I only pushed the snooze, but well lets just say that I left the house for work/school without combing my hair or putting on deodorant (it is a little too personal to talk about underware so I won't), and lets just say that it was a good thing that it was a conference day and not a day with kids because. . . I have never done that before. Yikes-it is a good thing I got my hair cut and styled all cute yesterday so that it looked only 1/2 way cute or 1/2 way ugly today at school. Wow! What a way to start the day!


Crystal said...

wow - yikes and oops! :) I think it was alarm clock problem day. Chris had the same problem, though not to that extreme since Cailyn woke up before he was too much off schedule. I am WAY impressed-- another blog ALREADY!!?? I hardly knew how to react when saw you had an update! :)

keller said...

Ditto to Crysta's comment . . . another blog? You are starting to put us to shame and we even have the internet at home.

Dawn W said...

Very entertaining, I must say. Thank goodness that when my class starts late due to such nonsense, the kids in my class are very forgiving - having seen me that way before. Thank goodness for your halfway okay hair saving the day!